I'm back in Ghana
Gregg and I were invited to attend October Conference in Salt Lake City. We enjoyed those sessions very much. After some business meetings Gregg returned to Ghana Oct. 9 and I got to stay and play with grandchildren for 3 more weeks!
Gregg and I are so happy to be back together again! The stars have once again aligned and all is right with the universe when we are together. I was pleased to hear from our friends here in Ghana how much Gregg missed me (not just my cooking). They told me he was moping around quite a bit. He did take the opportunity to spend a week in Nigeria while I was away.
Our son Scott and his wife Melita, who live in Mountain View, CA surprised us and were there to welcome us as we arrived home for Conference. Scott is a recruiter for his company at BYU. What a well timed recruiting trip!
I flew to Albuquerque and attended the International Balloon Fiesta with my mother. The balloons were as wonderful as I had remembered and the New Mexican food was even better than I remembered. I brought a dozen frozen tamales back to Salt Lake City.
Next I visited Reno where our 3 granddaughters live with our oldest son, Greg and his wife Alison. It was great to attend Lina's soccer game, go to a pumpkin patch and just enjoy being together. In the photo the granddaughters are wearing dresses I brought for them from Africa.
I had a great opportunity to spend true "quality time" with our 7 month old grandson, Aiden while his parents flew to Rome, Italy for a belated honeymoon. I now understand clearly why it is best to have children while you are young. It just about wore me out. I have a lot more compassion for our daughter and her interrupted nights of sleep.
Shannon: it was so wonderful to get to talk to you a few times on your visit here! you had an eventful return out of africa - and of course congratulations on the arrival of Collin shortly after you went back to africa! much love, lane